Intel多核CPU(主频越高越好) 1G以上内存 1G以上硬盘/CF卡 3块以上Intel 1000M网卡(不推荐82540,假货太多)
软件: (此工具已经包含 纯流控8.0、纯流控8.1以及路由版流控 的安装ISO文件,不需要复制任何文件到U盘)
1、制作启动U盘 ①准备好U盘(大于500M),备份好U盘里的数据(制作过程中会格式化U盘); ②下载好软件工具; ③制作U盘:
上图为解压文件 路径不要解压到U盘
2、启动安装 ①设置BIOS,从U盘启动引导系统: 选择“【1】安装流控以及其它ISO(预留)”
纯流控(标准版):网吧环境推荐8.1 其他用户环境推荐8.0 路由版流控(一键安装):仅适用于官方的A系列硬件平台
login:root Password:root(密码输入的时候是不可见的,输入完直接回车)
②安装 纯流控(标准版): 运行脚本“./setup”开始安装。 router# ./setup Welcome to Panabit system automatically install shell! The installation will delete all data on your hard disk and cannot be restored!! Please confirm whether or not to continue the installation! Do you want to continue(y/n[n]) ? y Following disks are detected: ad0 Please select one[ad0]: ad0 *ad开头的是硬盘或者CF卡,da开头的是U盘 We begin to formate the disk “ad0” and begin to install FreeBSD 8.1! Do you want to continue(y/n[y])? y cylindes=2080 heads=16 sectors/track=63 tar:var/run/log: tar format cannot archive socket tar:var/run/logpriv: tar format cannot archive socket FreeBSD 8.1 Install OK! Welcome installing panabit! ****** Congratulations ******! You have successfully installed panabit on your system! Following interfaces are installed in your system: em0 em1 em2 em3 em4 em5 Please choose one of above as your admin interface: em5 *管理口 Please input in address of admin interface: *管理IP Please input network mask of admin interface: *子网掩码 Please input default gateway: Please choose one of above as your internal interface: em0 *数据口/网桥口 Please choose one of above as your external interface: em1 *数据口/网桥口 Your interface configurations are: Admin interface : em5 Admin ip address : Admin netmask : Default gateway : Data interfaces : em0 em1 Thank you for using panabit! Eject CDROM! Reboot system then the system automatically start panabit at system startup! If you want to stop the currently running panabit ,you can issue “/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl stop” to stop it! You can issue “/usr/panabit/bin/ipectrl start” to start panabit! router# reboot *重启
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 路由版流控(一键安装): 运行脚本“/cgi/”开始全自动安装,安装完管理口为em5,管理IP为192.168.5.1。 输入命令会出现假死现象(其实在安装系统),请稍等几分钟
GEOM: ad0s1: media size does not match label. umount: unmount of /dev failed: Device busy 这两行提示直接忽略掉,输入命令 reboot 重启即可。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 安装后默认IP:
密码:netzone / panabit